Thursday, August 28, 2008

For The Last Time...

Tonight i question, i question them all,
them all, those that, they who owe me reasons
for a harrowed end to one tale i recall,
lost in time, beyond space, over seasons...

I question her smile, see me in a lonely corner,
her eyes spoke nothing of character, values or soul
He-She held hands,pointed fingers, and laughed together,
I question the friendship of they once talked, they told...

I question all that they schemed,deemed to destroy,
My eyelashes can still tell the taste of my tears
They thought i was unfazed, weeping with joy,
when i laughed aloud,to just hide my fears...

I question the dirty rumours they fake to shake my grit,
But im a soldier of truth, wont give up so soon
See, for warriors like me, the sky was never the limit,
We know that there are footprints even on the moon...

So dont let the dawn take away your final chance to speak,
old pages i'll fire before i retire tonight
Because,Ofcourse,forgiven- you shall never be,
Though,Although, Forget- I just might...


Give and you receive,Cherish every breath you breathe...Scriptures on the wall, Those who betray, all must fall...-Ozzy Osbourne